(603) 669-7469 karen@majestictheatre.net


Sunday, September 22nd at 6pm
Monday, September 23rd at 6pm

Performance Dates: December 13-15, 2024 at the DERRY OPERA HOUSE

MAJESTIC PRODUCTIONS – Adults / Teens / Youth


Book by Joseph Robinette. Music and lyrics by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul. Based on the motion picture A Christmas Story. / IThis musical, which received rave reviews on its Broadway run, is based on the movie classic that runs round-the-clock on television every Christmas. Set in the 1940s in the fictional town of Hohman, Indiana, the musical follows 9-year-old Ralphie Parker and his quest for the Holy Grail of Christmas gifts—an Official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot Range Model air rifle. Rebuffed at every turn with a similar echoing response, Ralphie plots numerous schemes to achieve his desperate desire for the coveted BB gun. All the iconic scenes from the movie are here: Ralphie’s friend, Flick, getting his tongue stuck to the flagpole; his brother, Randy, getting dressed in his snowsuit; the bullies, Farkus and Dill; the leg lamp award; the bunny suit; Christmas dinner; and many others. The delightfully versatile score ranges from gentle ballads to show-stopping full-ensemble numbers such as “Ralphie to the Rescue!”, “A Major Award,” “Sticky Situation,” “Up on Santa’s Lap,” “Somewhere Hovering Over Indiana” and the inevitable “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!” A Christmas Story, The Musical will bring an exciting new dimension to those who have seen the movie and will certainly stand on its own for those who haven’t.



CHARACTERS: (all roles are open and ages are just a guideline)

  • RALPHIE: Cute and winsome, but not precious. Bright, but not precocious. A regular 10 year old kid you wouldn’t mind having as a next-door neighbor. He’s determined and he has a wonderful imagination. Age range 10-12
  • JEAN SHEPHERD/NARRATOR: The warm, and charismatic on-stage narrator of the show, based on the original author of the book that inspired A Christmas Story and the original narrator of the 1983 film. Shepherd is a generally non-singing role that narrates throughout the show, interacts with Ralphie, and plays several minor characters within the action of the show. Age range 40+
  • THE OLD MAN: A guy with a good heart, though it’s buried beneath a sometimes gruff exterior. He loves his family but doesn’t overtly show it. He usually expects the worst but is capable of excitement if the situation warrants. In his moments of fantasy, he is transformed from his usual grumbling self to a true song and dance man. Age range 30-40
  • MOTHER: More in charge of the family than the Old Man, but she would never let him know it. She is warm and affable, but not a pushover. A vibrant woman, she is always busy, especially in the kitchen. She is the secret engine that keeps the family running, keeping the household together with an impressive balancing act. Age range 30-40
  • RANDY: Ralphie’s younger brother. Cute, cuddly, and whiny. Admires Ralphie but won’t admit it. He’s at the stage of childhood wherein he seems opposed to everything, but he’s still loveable – not a brat. Age range 8-10
  • SCHWARTZ: One of Ralphie’s best friends. He’s a bit of a know-it-all. Age range 10-12
  • FLICK: Ralphie’s other best friend. Can’t refuse a triple dog dare. Age range 10-12
  • SCUT FARKUS: The schoolyard bully. Age range 12-14
  • GROVER DILL: Scut Farkus’s little sidekick. Age range 10-12
  • MISS SHIELDS: Ralphie’s teacher. Prim, proper, stern when necessary, but warm and funny when needed. In Ralphie’s fantasy, she becomes a brassy, tapping, Broadway diva. Any age
  • SANTA: A department store version. Ill-tempered and slightly inebriated, he rushes the kids through the line so he can get to the nearest “watering hole.” Age range 40+
  • YOUTH ENSEMBLE: Classmates and town kids. Age range 9-12.
  • ADULT ENSEMBLE: Townspeople of Hohman, Indiana and players in Ralphie’s fantasy world. Any age


REHEARSALS: (at Majestic Studios – starts 9/29/24)
  • SUNDAYS from 1:00-5:00pm
  • MONDAYS and THURSDAYS from 6:00-9:00pm
MANDATORY TECH WEEK: (at Derry Opera House)
  • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8th from 12pm-8pm (Load In)
  • MONDAY, DECEMBER 9th at 6pm
  • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10th at 6pm
  • WEDNEDAY, DECEMBER 11th at 6pm
  • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th at 6pm
PERFORMANCES: (at Derry Opera House)
  • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13th at 7pm
  • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14th at 2pm and 7pm (2 shows)
  • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15th at 2pm
    • followed by mandatory strike



  • Please prepare a musical selection that shows off the character of your voice; please bring sheet music (pianist provided) or a backing track (no voices); you may blu-tooth to our stereo or bring a CD. Audition may also consist of readings from the script (provided at audition time).
  • You do not need to make an audition appointment, simply show up. We see people in the order they arrive and complete paperwork. To print and fill out the audition form ahead of time please click HERE.
  • IMPORTANT: If you audition for our production and are cast it is expected you will follow through and do our production; failure to do so may prevent you from being cast in a future show as you will have possibly taken a spot from someone who was not cast. If you are auditioning ONLY for specific roles you may specify that on the audition form and you will only be considered for those roles. If you do not specify we will assume you will accept ANY role offered.
  • There is NO production fee or vaccination requirement for this show.


Offices & Rehearsal Studios
880 Page Street
Manchester, NH 03109